I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you’re still searching for the best exercises for washboard abs. Otherwise, you won’t even be on this page. Don’t worry, you’ll find out really soon.
Let me first underline, however, the importance of regular full body workouts and a healthy diet in direct relation to performing abdominal muscle exercises. Washboard abs are direct results of the combination of these three strategies. Relying on just one strategy will only make it harder for you to achieve the sexy midsection you desire.
Upon implementing a cardiovascular program and healthy meal plan, it would be best to simultaneously integrate abdominal-targeting workouts. Here are the top 4 exercises for washboard abs you can do:
- Ball Crunches
- Full Body Crunches
- Bicycles
- Weighted Sit Ups
Past studies have shown that these exercises, whether done on their own or in combination with each other, are the most effective workouts for your abdominals. Why? Because they work almost every part of your abdominal muscles, involve other body parts as well, and promote other beneficial tasks such as balance and strength resistance. More importantly, you won’t need any complicated gym equipment to successfully perform any of these exercises for washboard abs.
Make sure you start off with only 5 reps of every exercise and work your way up to 20 as you advance. To really define your abs and burn that unwanted belly fat, go through 3 sets of each 3-4 times a week. How do you do each one precisely You’ll find simple directions just below:
Ball Crunches
1. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and sit on an exercise ball.
2. Slowly lean backward until your torso and thighs are parallel to the ground.
3. Raise your upper body while keeping your ab muscles taut.
4. When you reach a 45 degree incline, hold it for a second, and then lie back on the ball.
Full Body Crunches
1. Lie down on the floor.
2. Bend those knees while placing your arms across your chest.
3. Remember to keep those abdominal muscles taut.
4. Lift your shoulders a few inches off the floor while pulling your knees in at the same time.
5. Hold it for a few seconds and then go back to your starting position.
1. Lie back down on the floor.
2. Lift those knees up while you slightly touch your fingers to your ears.
3. Perform cycling movements in mid air with both legs.
4. As your right knee draws in, lift and twist to the left so that your left elbow touches it; do the same on the other side.
Weighted Sit Ups
1. Lie back down and keep both knees bent.
2. With a small weight simulator, like a can of food or water bottle, hold it in front of you by crossing your arms over your chest.
3. Come up as you would with a regular sit up and hold it for a few seconds before going back down.
Once you start your abs training, you’ll soon discover that these exercises for washboard abs are pretty simple but can still work up a sweat. Perform them recurrently and before you know it, you’ll be donning those rock hard abs for all to see.