How to Do Proper Exercises for Abs

When you think about exercises for abs, you’re probably associating them with these two words: sit ups. Truth be told, they’re the most common form of abs exercise out there. They’re so frequently carried out that even a 10-year-old knows what they are.
Nevertheless, you need to recognize that there are other more effective exercises for building six pack abs than just sit ups. You need to mix them up, add some variety, and do them on a regular basis for you to get fast results.
For a full-proof overall fitness plan, combine abdominal exercises with a healthy diet plan and a full body workout. Keep all three components present and thriving, and you will definitely see results fast.
According to a recent study, bicycles, weighted sit ups, fully body crunches, and ball crunches are the 4 most effective exercises for abs. Read on and find out why:
1. Bicycles. Not only does it involve your obliques, upper abdominals, and lower abdominals, but it also works your legs, lower back, and arms. To begin, simply lie down on the ground and place your hands on the sides of your head. Bend your knees and begin alternating cycling movements with your legs. As your right knee comes in, lift and twist so that your left elbow touches it. Simply do the same on the other side.
2. Weighted Sit Ups. With these exercises for abs, your abdominal muscles get pushed a little further through resistance training. They’re very similar to regular sit ups so they’re not complicated to do at all. All you need for this exercise are light to moderately heavy weight simulators, like a pair of 1 lb. dumbbells or a hardbound book, which you will need to hold over your chest with your hands. Proceed by lifting your torso upward, holding it there for a few seconds, and coming back down, just like with regular sit ups.
3. Full Body Crunches. Like bicycles, this exercise targets almost the entire abdominal area and works your limbs as well. To begin, simply lie down, place your hands across your chest, and bend at the knees. Lift your torso up the floor and pull in both knees at the same time. Lie back down and start again.
4. Ball Crunches. These exercises for abs are responsible for working your entire core while promoting balance. You’ll have a lot of fun with this one, I promise. To start off, sit on an exercise ball. Lie back slowly until your upper body and thighs are parallel to the ground. Start doing regular crunches – you’ll instantly feel the added tension since you’re performing them on an unstable surface. The ball’s just there to provide lower back support and make it a little more challenging.
Work these 4 simple exercises for abs into your fitness program and you can bid farewell to excess belly fat for good.

3 Things to Remember When You Exercise for a Flat Stomach

It takes more than just wishful thinking (and even voodoo magic) to get six pack abs fast. You definitely need to watch what you eat and exercise for a flat stomach. Don’t lose sleep over it, it isn’t rocket science; just stay optimistic and read on.
You’re reminded everyday of the flat stomach you don’t have, and that annoys you, I’m sure. You’ve got fit models wearing close to nothing, infomercials and print ads that claim they have the answer, and people at the workplace who practically parade their buffed bodies for all to see. It’s really hard not to feel weary at times.
Take that wheel and steer yourself toward that amazingly sexy tummy yourself. When you exercise for a flat stomach, you need to carry out targeted workouts. So you need to hit it where it hurts – the flab.
The top six pack abs workout routines listed below should get you pumped and ready for more:
  • Crunches
  • Stomach Curls
  • Knee to Chest Stretch
  • Bicycles
Carrying out each in sets of 3 around 4 times a week at 10-25 reps per set should give your stomach a solid workout.
The next step to an effectual fitness program is to do full body exercises. You can definitely get more from your targeted abs workouts if you incorporate a concrete cardiovascular routine. These consist of running, swimming, martial arts, dancing, and even brisk walking.
Perform your full body workouts every other day, ideally in between the days when you do targeted abs. Putting in 40-60 minuets of cardio 3-4 times a week can prove to be very beneficial. Remember, overdoing it can lead to injuries, so it is best that you pace yourself.
Lastly, a proper diet will only support your exercise for a flat stomach. Quick tip: if you usually find yourself snacking at a particular time of day, like in the early morning, try to get in some exercise an hour before. That way, you don’t feel as guilty because your metabolism is actually working on overtime even after you’ve worked out.
If you think about it, healthy eating directly affects how you look. The hard work you invest to get nice abs in a monthwould all be just a waste if you don’t practice healthy eating. A regular exercise plan can only be maximized with the implementation of a good diet plan, keep that in mind.
Science and human anatomy have a lot to say about nutrition. However, it doesn’t take a scientist to determine which foods are essentially better for you. What you can do is spend more time in the supermarket’s fresh produce aisles and familiarize yourself with various fruits and vegetables. Doing more research can only be good.
Implement these three simple guidelines and say goodbye to flat stomach envy. Eat right and exercise for a flat stomach now!