Any successful fitness plan would involve working the entire body and not just your abdominal muscles. Also, exercising your butt off is never going to be enough; eating healthy plays a big part as well.
Surprisingly, many people don't realize the truth about six pack abs: you can have all the workout equipment on Earth, hire the best fitness instructors, sign up with all the prestigious gyms, and still not build lower abs if you don’t include ALL 3 steps in your fitness program:
1. Follow a balanced diet;
2. Perform regular cardiovascular exercise; and
3. Execute targeted lower abs exercises.
Doing one without the other two will do you some good. But that wouldn’t get you fast results, would it. Think about how quick you can reach your goal when you do all three.
Cutting down on your fat intake will allow your body to burn stored body fat. You would need to get rid of the layers of fat in your midsection for your muscles to show.
Including plenty of lean meats, whole grains, and just the right amount of fat in your diet will help build lower abs. Here are a few food items that you can stock up on the next time you find yourself in a supermarket:
- Leafy greens
- Colorful veggies (e.g. carrots, peas, cauliflower, bell peppers, asparagus)
- Brown rice
- Tofu
- Fresh fruits (e.g. berries, apples, bananas, oranges)
- Beans
- Nuts
- Junk food
- Fast food
- Soda
- Candy
- Beer
Walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga, and martial arts are just a few examples of full cardio exercises. Popping in a workout video is also a creative way to get your cardio workout. If you don’t want to shell out a lot of cash, you can easily watch cardio bits online or even rent from your local video store.
Once you’ve got your cardio and your diet covered, it’s time to further build lower abs with targeted abdominal exercises.
Full body crunches and regular crunches are two of the easiest, most effective core-specific exercises you can do. Go for 3 sets of each exercise at 20-25 reps per set. Doing these exercises at least 3 times a week will definitely do you a lot of good.
These three essential steps will certainly help you build lower abs…and FAST. Besides, it only takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete your cardio and abs exercises, and even less to think about what to eat everyday. Stick to your program and you’ll get ripped abs sooner than you think.